星期三, 11月 20, 2019


135. Anything else is futile and undermines everything.
135. 其他一切都徒勞,且會破壞一切。

136. It should finally be noted that by Earthly standards we are very advanced forms of life, and we can no longer move among such low understanding-related levels as the Earth humans find themselves in.
136. 最後應該指出的是,按照地球的標準,我們是非常高級的生命形式,我們不能再在地球人類發現自己所處的與理解相關如此低下的水平中走動。

137. This does not represent presumption from us, but rather a law of Creation.137. 這並不代表是出自我們的假設,而是一種創造的法則。

138. Like it is with us, it is with all forms of life, and the Earth humans as well.
138. 就像它與我們同在一樣,它與所有的生命形式同在,而地球人類也一樣。

139. They too, can no longer move in levels below their own, therefore they are also no longer able to move in the planes of those life forms, which according to earthly terms are "insane", but truly just have a sick or underdeveloped consciousness, and in the last case, are in reality just very young and ignorant about the evolution and must first develop themselves further.
139. 他們也不能再在低於他們自己的水平裡走動,所以也不能再在那些生命形式的位面上走動,這些生命根據地球的術語都是「瘋狂的」,但誠然只是有一種病或發展不完全的意識,在上一個情況中,事實上關於演化,他們實在非常年輕和無知,必須首先進一步發展他們自己。

140. However in order to be able to meet all the duties, from time to time and through the existence of the creative laws, in cooperation with and with the help of higher developed Universes, each world brings forth, according to each of the corresponding states of the respective human evolution, one or more life forms of extraordinary spiritual and consciousness-related development standing, with which in turn many more higher-standing intelligences may come in conjunction, so as to be able to transmit certain facts about consciousness-related and spiritual evolution.
140. 然而,為了能夠滿足所有的職責,不時並透過創造性法則的存在,在與更高度發展的宇宙合作和幫助下,每個世界根據各自人類演化的相應狀態,都會產生出一個或多個特殊的精神和意識相關發展地位的生命形式,與此同時,更多更高地位的智慧生命可能會同時出現,從而能夠傳播意識相關和精神演化的某些事實。

141. These extremely highly developed life forms have been called prophets on Earth, who unfortunately in their time were without exception always attacked and persecuted, a fact which has still not changed up to the present time.
141. 這些極為高度發展的生命形式被稱為地球上的先知,不幸的是,他們在他們的時代總是毫無例外地受到攻擊和迫害,這一事實至今仍未改變。

142. Even today, on the Earth the prophets are cursed and blasphemed, and they are accused of fraud, of charlatanism, and of tellling lies and fantasies.
142. 甚至今天,在地球上的先知受到咒詛和褻瀆,他們被控為騙子、欺詐以及散佈謊言和幻想。

143. This is so because the Earth human doesn't hear the voice of truth and doesn't want to let go of his false realism and materialism.
143. 這是因為地球人類聽不到真理的聲音,也不想放棄其錯誤的現實主義和物質主義。

144. For all these reasons we can only come in connection with an earthly life form that meets our requirements and with whom we can also maintain relations with.
144. 由於所有這些原因,我們只能與滿足我們條件的地球生命形式相聯繫,我們也可以與他們保持聯繫。

145. And since the Earth in the last 2000 years has only produced a single life form which corresponds to our requirements, we had to, and have to, lawfully comply in keeping ourselves to this one.
145. 由於地球在過去的2000年裡只產生了一個符合我們條件的命形式,我們過去與現在都必須,依法遵守我們自己這一點。

146. All other life forms can't be taken into consideration by us regarding a contact in connection with the mission known to you.
146. 至於與你所知道的使命有關的接觸,我們不能考慮所有其他的生命形式。

147. Already so often are communication difficulties arising in the form that our interpretations, formulations and explanations are incorrectly integrated and analysed when you pass them along.
147. 溝通困難經已常常以這種形式出現,我們的解答、表述和解釋在你傳遞時都被錯誤地整合和分析。

148. It must finally be clear, that you alone walk hand in hand with the spirit teaching, etc., and have the appropriate high conscience and high spirit form, and as such you are the only person that we can come into connection with.
148. 最後必須清楚的是,只有你與精神教導等等攜手同行,並有適當高級的良知和高級的精神形式,因此你是我們唯一能接觸的人。

149. And because these things are truly this way, there is no need and it is not possible, to make ourselves more visible.
149. 因為這些事情確實是這樣的,沒有必要也不可能令我們更引人注目。

150. Besides us, there are still several other extraterrestrial intelligences moving on the terrestrial space, which however stand in a much lower stage of evolution than our own, and which are developed ahead of the Earth humans by only a few centuries, and by only around 1243 years of further development at most.
150. 除了我們外,還有其他幾種外星智慧在地球空間上行動,然而,他們的進化階段比我們自己要低得多,它們的發展僅比地球人類超前幾個世紀,最多也不過是1243年的進一步發展。

151. These life forms are therefore able to come into contact with the average and somewhat more intelligent Earth humans and to communicate with them, which however happens only very rarely, if ever.
151. 因此,這些生命形式能夠接觸到一般和稍微更聰明的地球人類,並與他們交流,然而這很少發生,如果曾有的話。

152. Since these intelligences have not yet gone very far ahead of the Earth humanity in terms of development, they very often conduct themselves as rulers and can even let themselves be mislead and influenced by the Earth religions, which is why many higher developed life forms in the Universe must intervene in a regulatory manner, to prevent severe consequences.
152. 由於這些智慧生命在發展方面還沒有遠遠超過地球人類,他們經常以統治者的身份行事,甚至會讓自己受到地球宗教的誤導和影響,這就是為什麼宇宙中許多更高級的生命形式必須以監管的方式介入,以防止嚴重的後果。

153. Because where religions are widespread, always after a very short time chaos, enslavement, exploitation and consciousness enslavement rule, whereby all consciousness related progress becomes questioned.
153. 因為在宗教普遍存在的地方,總是在很短的時間內就會出現混亂、奴役、剝削和意識奴役的統治,從而一切意識相關的進步都變得有問題。

154. Some Earth humans have taken possession of parts of contact reports transcripts, describing real, much earlier contacts with such extraterrestrial intelligences, and created new, imaginative stories, and formed religions and sects from them.
154. 一些地球人掌握了部分描述真實的接觸報告文字記錄,與這些外星智慧更早時的接觸,並創造出新的、富有想像力的故事,並從中形成了宗教和教派。

155. Thus they stepped, or would have stepped, into the public and mendaciously claimed, or would have claimed, that they had or would have had contacts with extraterrestrial life forms.
155. 因此他們曾走進,或將會走進公眾並曾虛假地聲稱,或將會聲稱,他們曾經或將會與外星生命形式接觸。

156. Other Earth humans allegedly or in reality, received various inspiration-type messages from such low levels, resp. from meagerly developed in consciousness terrestrial or extraterrestrial humans, adulterated these, or produced them unconsciously, or consciously and untruthfully.
156. 其他地球人類據稱或事實上,從如此低的水平,分別是意識貧乏地發展的地球或外星人類處接收到各種靈感類型的信息,摻入了這些,或無意識地,或有意識地,不真實地產生了它們。

157. This also resulted in malicious fantasies that purely spiritual life forms would have gotten into contact with Earth humans and would still be doing so.
157. 這也導致了一些惡意的幻想,說純精神生命形式會與地球人類接觸,而且仍會這麼做。

158. But this truly is not so, because purely spiritual forms only establish contact with life forms which are very highly developed in spirit and in consciousness, as only these are able to receive their vibrations and can bring about the necessary understanding.
158. 但事實並非如此,因為純精神形式只與在精神和意識上高度發展的生命形式建立聯繫,因為只有這些人才能接受它們的振動並帶來必要的理解。

159. So, if other claims are made by Earth humans, then these don't correspond to the truth, but rather to consciously or unconsciously deceitful fantasies.
159. 因此,如果地球人類提出了其他的主張,那麼這些都不符合真相,而是有意識或無意識的欺騙性幻想。

160. The fact is that very highly developed life forms, or even pure spirit forms, were since always never able to establish contact with Earth humans, unless they met an extraordinarily high spiritual and consciousness-related state, which led likewise to an extraordinarily high level, as it was the case with several true prophets.
160. 事實上,高度發展的生命形式,或甚至是純精神形式,從那時起就永遠無法與地球人類建立聯繫,除非他們遇到一個精神和意識相關的狀態極其高級的,以致同一種極其高級的水平,就像幾個真正先知的案例一樣。

161. In each cosmic age a world brings forth only very few of such highly developed in spirit and consciousness life forms, if the average form is still on a very low level of evolution, as it is the case with the Earth people.
161. 在每一個宇宙時代,一個世界只會產生非常少這種精神和意識高度發展的生命形式,如果平均的形式仍然處於非常低演化水平的話,就像地球人的情況一樣。

162. On the other hand, these highly developed life forms of such worlds, the prophets, also appear only at certain times, when they are necessary.
162. 另一方面,這些世界的高度發展生命形式,那些先知,也只出現在特定的時間,當他們必要之時。

163. And on the Earth, this is the first time that such a case has occurred since nearly 2000 years ago.
163. 在地球上,這是自近2000年前以來首次發生這樣的案例

164. This must the Earth human know.
164. 這是地球人必須知道的。


It's fair and good what you say there, Asket, but many claim that they are in connection, etc., with star people, otherworldly, and spiritual and purely spiritual beings.


165. In reality this is only the truth to the extent that these Earth humans are connected with other terrestrial life forms, through the Earth humanity's collective subconscious, and are inspired or even misled, cheated and swindled by these, which are themselves still at very low levels, and which compared to the great mass of Earth humans are not, or are only in a few things, further developed in consciousness.
165. 事實上,在某種程度上只是這些地球人透過地球人類的集體潛意識與其他類地球的生命形式相連接,並被這些生命所啟發或甚至誤導、欺騙和詐騙,這才是真相,他們本身仍處於非常低的水平,與大多數地球人相比,並沒有或只有在少數事物中,才在意識中有進一步發展。

166. In addition however, there also appear low Earth human intelligences, who in their thirst for might would like to hold the scepter over their fellow Earth humans, and being aware of the earthly religious heresies they try to take advantage of this and thus, according to their lust for power they influence the ones who have fallen into religions and sects.
166. 然而,除此之外,也出現一些低等級的地球人類智慧,他們在其對力量的渴望中想要握起權杖凌駕於地球人類同胞之上,並且意識到地球的宗教異端邪說,他們試圖利用這一點,因此,根據他們對權力的慾望,他們影響那些已經陷入宗教和教派的人。


Aha, Semjase has also spoken of this once before. However, it seems to me to be worth mentioning now, the fact that Semjase, as well as Arahat Athersata, also said that for 2000 years no contact of any kind has taken place with Earth humans, namely from extraterrestrials, pure spirit forms, etc.
啊哈,Semjase以前也說過一次。然而,在我看來,現在值得一提的是,Semjase和Arahat Athersata,也說過2000年來沒有與地球人類發生任何形式的接觸,亦即來自外星人、純精神形式等等。


167. I have just explained, that this refers only to really very high forms, but not to lower and spiritually and consciousness-relatedly un-high forms.
167. 我剛才已經解釋過,這僅僅是指真正非常高級的形式,而不是指較低的、精神上的與意識相關並不高級的形式。


What do you think about the influences of these low life forms and low essence forms on humans, if these actually intervene in the affairs of Earth humans - do they bring or have any benefit on the humans of Earth?


168. They have this only partially, like everything that is evolving.
168. 他們只有部分如此,就像一切事物都在演化一樣。

169. Often behind these contacts lurk collective human subconscious forms, etc. But also a very great danger, which unfortunately the Earth humans will only be able to recognise after evil wars and catastrophes have befallen them.
169. 通常在這些接觸的背後潛藏著集體的人類潛意識形態等等。但同時有非常巨大的危險,不幸的是,地球上的人類只有在邪惡的戰爭和災難降臨之後才能認識到這一點。

170. In many cases powerful leaders on the Earth have also subconsciously been maliciously influenced by such collective human subconscious intelligences, and as desired trigger death and destruction, ignorance, doom, deception, hatred and annihilation; this in political as well as in religious areas, however individuals are also affected by these malicious collective subconscious forces, and as a consequence then, in delusion or delusional belief, they commit murders, suicides and mass murders, and trigger catastrophes.
170. 在許多情況下,地球上有權勢的領導人也在潛意識裡被這種集體人類潛意識信息惡意地影響,並根據需要觸發死亡和破壞、無知、厄運、欺騙、憎恨和滅絕;在政治以及宗教領域,然而,個人也受到這些惡意的集體潛意識力量影響,結果,在妄想或妄想的信仰中,他們犯下謀殺、自殺和大屠殺,並引發災難。

171. These human beings who are influenced by such collective subconscious intelligences, resp. collective subconscious forces, belong however and without exception, to sectarian religious beliefs, which constitute the main breeding ground.
171. 這些受到這種集體潛意識信息影響的人類,亦即,集體潛意識力量,然而,毫無例外,都屬於教派宗教信仰,這是主要的溫床。

172. These Earth humans will be approached through the collective subconscious forces in the form that they are transmitted the delusion that God personally, or Christ or Satan, etc., has issued them the command for murder, war or suicide, etc...
172. 這些地球人類會通過集體的潛意識力量被接近,以這樣的形式,也就是說他們被傳達了一種錯覺,即上帝親自,或基督或撒旦等,給了他們謀殺、戰爭或自殺的命令,等等……

173. If the Earth human would finally get rid of his deadly sects and religions, then these misleading or malicious collective subconscious intelligences, resp. collective subconscious forces, would lose their suggestive power over him, because where truth and logic and the compliance with the Creative laws prevail, evil can no longer assert itself.
173. 如果地球上的人類最終能擺脫其致命的教派和宗教,那麼這些誤導或惡意的集體潛意識信息,亦即集體潛意識的力量,將失去對他們的暗示能力,因為在真理和邏輯以及對創造法則的遵守佔主導地位的地方,邪惡不能再繼續存在。

174. But since these malicious human-collective subconscious-intelligences are aware of this, they very skilfully control and direct the lives of sects and religions.
174. 但是由於這些惡意的人類集體潛意識智慧意識到這一點,他們非常巧妙地控制和指導教派和宗教的生靈。

175. They even understand how to propagate the madness of religions and sects, and to push the Earth humans more and more to an evil religious-sectarian fanaticism.
175. 他們甚至懂得如何傳播宗教和教派的瘋狂,把地球上的人類越來越多地推向一種邪惡宗教教派的狂熱之中。

176. In this connection, the infamous machinations of alleged contacts with extraterrestrials or high spirit forms, etc., are very popular with them.
176. 在這方面,聲稱與外星人或高等精神體等等接觸這些惡名昭彰的陰謀詭計對他們而言是非常流行的。

177. To the Earth humans who listen to these subconscious-voices they present themselves as "envoys from God", "guardians of peace", "keepers of the universe", "angels", "on behalf of Jesus Christ", and as "praise and salvation heralds", etc..
177. 對地球上那些聆聽這些潛意識聲音的人來說,他們把自己描述成「上帝的使者」、「和平的守護者」、「宇宙的守護者」、「天使」、「代表耶穌基督」、「讚美和救贖的使者」等等......

178. As collective subconscious-type, inspirationally-transmitted influences, these voices designate themselves as such, and claim repeatedly as well, that they are high-standing spirit forms, deceased or even pure spirit forms, etc.
178. 作為集體潛意識式型、靈感傳播的影響,這些聲音如此宣稱自己,並一再反覆聲稱自己,說他們是崇高的精神形式、死者或甚至是純精神形式等等。

179. In utilization of their diverse capabilities the collective subconscious voices are also able to create hallucinations and fantastic apparitions for the Earth humans, mostly on sectarian religious basis, such as saint figures, images of Christ, images of Mary, crosses, etc., which appear to the Earth human as "miracles" and entangle him deeper and more madly in the religions and sects.
179. 在運用他們的各種能力時,集體潛意識的聲音也能夠為地球人類創造幻覺和奇異的幻影,大多是基於教派的宗教基礎,如聖徒形象、基督形象、聖母瑪利亞形象、十字架等等,這些在地球人看來是「神蹟」,並使他在宗教和教派中更加深入和瘋狂。

180. And that this is actually so, of it you could convince yourself, when I led you to the crucification utensils in the depths of the Giza pyramid.
180. 而事實如此,當我帶你到吉薩金字塔深處的受難十字架器具那裡,你能夠使自己信服。

181. But as the demonstration of this fact was not enough then, for you to learn through facts about these deadly Earth religions, I granted you later, along with your friend, the journey into the past, where you could convince yourself on the spot of the plotful operations of about 2000 years ago.
181. 但由於當時對這一事實的證明還不夠,為了讓你了解這些致命的地球宗教,後來,我同意你和你的朋友一起踏上這段回到過去的旅程,在那裡你可以在現場實地使自己信服2000年前的那些陰謀行動。



Man, girl, why do you mention these things? You have told me at the time, that under no circumstances should I talk about it, before you allowed me to do so. Now you're talking about it yourself, and if even a small error happens during the transmission from Semjase, I will automatically put everything on paper. You really have to be more careful.


182. Such errors as you accept them, can never happen in transmissions.
182. 這些錯誤永遠不會發生在你接受傳送的過程中。

183. This, on the one hand, but on the other I speak about these things because the time has come to explain everything.
183. 這是一方面,但另一方面,我談論這些事情,因為現在是解釋一切的時候了。

184. Your task postulates that you now talk about all these things from our former contacts and that you convey all the knowledge to the Earth humans.
184. 你的任務是要求你現在從我們以前的接觸中談論所有這些事情,然後你把所有的知識傳遞給地球人類。


Good grief... I'm going crazy. I should talk about all that now? I will undoubtedly be put in the madhouse. I still can't tell anyone that I have travelled 2000 years into the past with you and that the friend I travelled with probably became crazy because of this. I will be called mad and crazy when I announce that I have shaken hands with dear such and such and many others at the time, and also talked with them. And who would believe me when I say that I have appeared like an angel to some people and told them certain things, which in the course of time got distorted, but still got handed down until nearly 2000 years later? Asket, that's just not possible, that I should narrate everything... I would go down as the greatest lunatic of all time in the history of the world. I would even be insulted as the greatest lunatic of the entire Universe, and be put under lock and key for life, behind the thickest prison walls. You really can't demand that from me, that I would do that, because for me that means the same as being a living dead. That is really too much, Asket, that would be madness.


185. You know very well that many years ago, you were designated by a name that would determine the rest of you life, namely by a lot of suffering and mistakes that are piled up on you.
185. 你很清楚,許多年前,你被一個將決定你往後生命的名字所指定,就是透過在你身上堆積許多痛苦和錯誤。

186. So you already knew then, that the rest of your life would be exceptionally hard and difficult, and that you would also have to continue bearing much poverty and hardship.
186. 所以那時你已經知道,你的餘生將會異常艱難,你也將不得不繼續忍受許多貧窮和困苦。

187. But for the truth's sake and in spite of your knowledge, you wanted to take everything on yourself and not let your mission down by one iota.
187. 但出於為真理的考慮,儘管你知道,你還是想把一切都攬在自己身上,一點也不想讓你的使命落空。

188. However, if you nevertheless feel the urge to release yourself of your task in the previously mentioned respect, then we will not ask you about it anymore.
188. 然而,如果你仍然有衝動要從之前提到的任務中解脫的話,那麼我們就不會再詢問你了。

189. We cannot and must not force you, because the truth can never be disseminated by force.
189. 我們不能也絕不會強迫你,因為真理永遠不能強行傳播。

190. Tell me your will, and we will act accordingly.
190. 把你的意思告訴我,我們就照你說的去做。

191. If you don't want to, then none of us will will force ourselves into you any further.
191. 如果你不想,那麼我們沒人會再強迫你。

192. However, if you also want to serve the cause in this form, then it would please me.
192. 但是,如果你也想以這種方式為這個目標效力,那我也很樂意。

193. But the decision lies with you alone.
193. 但決定權取決於你自己。


Of course... In such matters you simply abandon me intentionally.


194. Your own will is crucial, because you must be able to answer for your own actions or omissions.
194. 你自己的意志是至關重要的,因為你必須能夠為自己的行為或疏忽負責。


I really don't find it easy, Asket. What do you say to that, Semjase... and what do you think, Nera?


38. It's an extraordinarily high demand on you, like you also are an extraordinary Earth human, if I may call you that under the present circumstances.
38. 這對你的要求極高,就像你也是一個非凡的地球人一樣,如果在目前情況下我可以這樣稱呼你的話。


May the devil take it, how should I understand this now? You and Asket, you both probably know a lot more about me than it is the case with Semjase and hers concerning this, right? But what actually is it?


39. You will find the solution of the mystery already in due time.
39. 你會在適當的時候找到這個謎題的答案。


With that will I have drunk and eaten... and my problem is probably also solved thereby, right?


359. It certainly is not so, and to be sure neither for you nor for me and the others, and therefore I also can't make the decision for you.
359. 當然不是這樣,對你或對我,還有對其他人都不是這樣,所以我也不能替你作決定。

360. This lies alone in the area of your own decisions.
360. 這完全取決於你自己的決定。


That is really damn ceremonious. There is probably no other possibility for me.


195. You were never a wimp.
195. 你從來都不是個窩囊廢。


Aha, you also know that expression.


361. Sure... Asket has gone into the heart of the matter.
361. 當然……Asket 已深入到事物的核心。


Then I will walk once again to the gallows, more than hanged I can no longer be. Maybe I will also end up on a funeral pyre, or get quartered, drowned, broken on the wheel, strangled or shot or who knows what.


196. Your path and life will be very hard and very difficult, and indeed also in reference to your wife, but everything will probably not be so bad, that you must therefore have excessively bad thougths.
196. 你的道路和生命將會非常艱苦和困難,當然也包括你的妻子,所以你一定有些非常糟糕的想法,但一切可能不會太糟糕


You can talk... Yes, I finally get to the devil's kitchen.


197. I said already, that everything will not be so bad.
197. 我已經說過,一切都不會太糟糕。


I only ask myself, what you imagine as absolutely bad and what you don't, but I don't expect an answer to it. You really don't have to tell me.


198. That spares me from a very long explanation.
198. 這使我不必作很長的解釋。


I can easily imagine that. But now tell me what I should do.


199. Your decision is clear and final?
199. 你的決定是清晰的、最終的嗎?


Don't ask for that too.


200. You are still in possession of all the reports of our contacts from then - have you kept them like I asked you to?
200. 從那時起,我們所有的接觸報告都在你手上——你有按我的要求保存著嗎?

201. I will transmit these to you via Semjase, resp. via her equipment anyway.
201. 我會透過Semjase,透過她的設備把這些傳送給你。


I'm not a clown and a word breaker. But they all contain many errors that were caused by the rapid transmission and should still be corrected by you or Semjase.


202. Of course, I understand.
202. 當然,我明白。

203. Semjase will assist you in this respect, in conjunction with me.
203. 在這方面,Semjase會和我一起幫助你。

204. So weave after the following conversation, which will not be transmitted by Semjase, the reports of our former contacts into Semjase's contact reports, which for the same reasons you must correct and complete with her as well, yes.
204. 所以在接下來這不會被Semjase傳送的對話之後把我們之前的接觸報告編排到Semjase的接觸報告中,因為同樣的原因,你也必須和她一起更正和完成,是的。


How do you imagine that to be then? When Semjase transmits the reports to me by thoughts, these always come so fast and ceaselessly, that I can hardly catch my breath. How am I supposed to still have the time to weave the reports from our contacts of those foregone years? And how do you both imagine that to be at all, should I once again begin a new complex? That is simply too much, because on the one hand I have to write Semjase's reports, and on the other hand I also spend long hours hammering the long reports from Arahat Athersata into the machine. I really don't know how to manage all this, I'm not a magician, nor a superman. I often have to skip words or even whole sentences, or I write wrong concepts, if I can't decipher the transmitted symbols at the moment, because everything always goes so fast, and I'm not used to type at this transmission speed.
那麼你是怎麼想的?當Semjase以思想把報告傳送給我時,這些思想總是來得那麼快和無休止,我幾乎喘不上氣來。我怎麼還有時間把過去那些年裡我們的接觸報告編排進去呢?你倆究竟都是怎麼想的,我應該再一次成為一個新的綜合體嗎?這太過分了,因為一方面我要寫Semjase的報告,另一方面,我也要花很長時間把Arahat Athersata的長篇報告敲進設備裡。我真的不知道如何處理這一切,我不是魔法師,也不是超人。我經常不得不跳過一些詞語甚至整句話,或者如果我不能當下破譯傳送信號,我會錯寫了概念,因為一切都太快了,我不習慣以這種傳送速度打字。


362. You complicate things, however you will have enough time to write down the reports of the contacts and experiences you and Asket have had together.
362. 你把事情複雜化了,但是你有足夠的時間寫下你和Asket在一起接觸和經歷的報告。

363. When at a later point in time I transmit to you the report of this trip and you write everything down, I will naturally give you enough time to write down the additional reports of Asket and yourself.
363. 之後,我會把這次旅行的報告傳給你,而你把一切都寫下來,我自然會給你足夠的時間去寫Asket和你自己的附加報告。

364. I will then check your work together with you later.
364. 稍後我會和你一起檢查你的工作。

365. In due time I will also announce myself again, if you need my other transmissions.
365. 如果你需要我的其他傳送,我也會在適當的時候再自行通知你。

366. You will put together at a later point, all that is discussed by Asket and you in your contacts, if afterwards we continue our conversation in confidential mission.
366. 如果之後我們繼續在機密任務中交談的話,你將在以後的某個時間把所有由Asket和你在你們的接觸中討論的內容放在一起。

367. It is also not necessary for you to start a new work.
367. 你也沒有必要開始一項新的工作。

368. Regarding the messages from Arahat Athersata my father will make use of the High Council, to convey to Arahat Athersata that you need some time and therefore the transmissions should not be continued for the time being.
368. 關於來自Arahat Athersata的信息,我父親會利用高級議會向Arahat Athersata傳達,說你需要一些時間,因此這些傳送暫時應該不會繼續。

369. In due time, we will again inform the level otherwise.
369. 要不然在適當的時間,我們會再次通知那個等級。

370. But now we want to get to the conversation, through which we will initiate you in many secret things, which however never, or only much later, may you mention to other persons.
370. 但現在我們想要開始談話了,由此我們將會使你初步了解到許多秘密的事情,然而,你永遠,或只能在很久以後,才可以向其他人提及。


Okay, I will keep to it already.


371. Sure, we all know that.
(Now also begins this conversation. Good, I will let myself be surprised.)
371. 當然,我們都知道。


Part Two
Translator: Stefan Zutt

譯者:Stefan Zutt


1035. That I know, you were at that time not even three years of age.
1035. 我知道,那時你還不到三歲。


You know it very well. But now I am interested in how far away from Earth or the SOL-system the closest inhabited system is located. And do those worlds inhabitants also know our Earth?


1036. The next inhabited system is located about 5 light years away from Earth, but in a different space-time structure.
1036. 下一個有人居住的星系距離地球約5光年,但在一個不同的時空結構中。

1037. Different worlds are over there inhabited by human life forms, who are hardly differing from you.
1037. 不同的世界在那里都居住著人類的生命形式,他們與你們幾乎沒有不同。

1038. Regarding their development they are several years ahead of the humans of the Earth, in consciousness-based as well as technical terms.
1038. 就他們的發展而言,無論在意識層面還是技術層面,他們都比地球上的人類領先好些年。

1039. The difference between the humans of the Earth and that life form, which is however just one of several over there, amounts to 217 years.
1039. 地球上的人類和這種生命形式之間的差異,儘管只是幾種生命形式中的一種,但也有217年之久。

1040. They are already capable of space flights in primitive form and are also visiting Earth quite often.
1040. 他們已經能夠以原始的形式進行太空飛行,並且經常到訪地球。

1041. Because their cosmic flight capabilities however still being very limited, they depend on assistance stations.
1041. 由於他們的宇宙飛行能力仍然非常有限,他們依賴於援助站

1042. Mid-way between their world and the Earth they have thus established such a space station, which you can see over there far out in space.
1042. 在他們的世界和地球之間,他們已經建立了這樣一個空間站,你可以在遙遠的太空看到。

1043. They need this station, as they are not yet able, to catapult their space ships across large distances.
1043. 他們需要這個太空站,因為他們還沒有能力將他們的太空船彈射到很遠的距離。

1044. Also their space flight is still associated with great physical pains, that’s why they send themselves to sleep with narcotics during longer travels through space.
1044. 此外,他們的太空飛行仍然與巨大的身體疼痛有關,這就是為什麼他們在太空中長途旅行時要讓自己以麻醉劑入眠。

1045. Besides other races from those worlds this race is very often coming to Earth through an old dimensions-gate.
1045. 除了來自那些世界的其他種族外,這個種族也經常通過一個古老的維度之門來到地球。

1046. That because their home world, which is no bigger than the Earth, is with a very high number of humans suffering from overpopulation and needing enormous quantities of food.
1046. 那是因為他們的家鄉世界比地球還小,由於人口過剩造成龐大的人民在受苦,並且需要極大量的食物。

1047. Thus the humans from planet “AKART” are coming very often to the Earth, to collect plants, vegetables, fruits and cereals etc., in order to feed their 23 thousand million population with it.
1047. 因此,來自「AKART」星球的人類經常來到地球,收集植物、蔬菜、水果和穀物等,以養活他們的233億人口。

1048. However they are collecting relatively little usable food, as they know that your world too suffers from a strong overpopulation and has a lack of usable food.
1048. 然而,他們收集的可用食物相對較少,因為他們知道你們的世界也遭受著嚴重的人口過剩和可用食物的缺乏。

1049. So they usually content themselves with taking fruit-, grain-, vegetables- and plant-seedlings and seeds along with them, for cultivating them on AKART and letting them flourish.
1049. 所以他們通常滿足於帶著水果、穀物、蔬菜、植物幼苗和種子在AKART上種植,讓它們茁壯成長。

1050. Actually ready for use food they collect on other worlds, which they visit often or even regularly.
1050. 實際上他們在其他世界收集準備好食用的食物,他們經常或甚至定期前往。

1051. In and of itself these life forms are of a quite peaceful nature, because they have had to endure and suffer a lot during the last centuries.
1051. 就其本身而言,這些生命形式具有相當和平的特質,因為他們在過去幾個世紀中不得不忍受和遭受到許多苦難。

1052. Today they live under a dictatorship, as you would call it, by which they are doing pretty well.
1052. 今天他們生活在你們稱之為獨裁的統治下,因此他們過得不錯。

1053. Their big problem is nevertheless the tremendous overpopulation, which they can only solve by making uninhabited worlds their own, that they can afterwards populate.
1053. 然而,他們的大問題是極嚴重的人口過剩,他們只能通過自己創造無人居住世界來解決,然後他們就可以移居。

1054. Their gyroscopic technique is however not yet allowing this, so some time will pass, before them being able to emigrate their masses of folk.
1054. 然而,他們的陀螺儀技術尚未允許這樣做,因此,在他們能夠將大量的人民移居之前,還需要一段時間。



That is already a lot, but are other life forms from that system also coming to the Earth, and why are they not helping this overpopulated race?


1055. The others too are from time to time coming through the old dimensions-gate to the Earth, but this happens actually rather rarely.
1055. 其他的也會時不時地從舊維度門進入地球,但實際上這種情況很少發生。

1056. The reason for them not helping the overpopulated race is that this life form has in its development not yet progressed far enough, for providing them with bigger technical and other assistance and opportunities.
1056. 他們沒有幫助人口過剩的種族的原因是這種生命形式在其發展中還沒有足夠的進步,為他們提供更大的技術和其他援助與機會。

1057. These humans are also still too addicted to the material and worldly for granting them greater power.
1057. 這些人類也仍然太沉迷於物質和世俗而無法給予他們更大的力量。


I see, so again the law of evolution.


1058. That is so, yes.
1058. 的確如此,是的。


Well, then one can’t change that. But now I would like to talk again about the UFO-contactees, i.e. those persons whom you refer to as swindlers and cheaters. What interests me in that respect is the following: Under what circumstances do you call these individuals guilty of swindle and fraud?

Commentary by Wendelle Stevens
Wendelle Stevens的評論

The entire thought-transmission of that memorable trip aboard first the small seven metre spacecraft, and then together aboard the 17 kilometre great-spacer mother-ship, took several days, during which Eduard Meier and his group anxiously waited the development and return of the several rolls of supposedly spectacular photographs made by Meier, and also by Semjase with a second camera, during the time they were gone.

那次難忘的太空之旅的整個思想傳送過程首先是在7米長的小宇宙飛船上,然後是在17公里長的太空母艦上,Eduard Meier和他的小組花了幾天時間,焦急地等待Meier以及在他們離開的那段時間裡Semjase同時攜帶的第二架相機所拍攝的幾卷照片沖洗和歸還。

Finally the developed pictures were ready for pick-up, which took a lot of money for the number of films exposed and the small number of people to pay for them. The funds were raised and the packages of pictures were sent for. The group thought they now had the photo proof they wanted almost in their hands as they impatiently waited. When the packages arrived and were opened, all were crushed to see that every picture made using the "special viewing screen", with both Meier's camera and the second similar one used by Semjase, were grossly overexposed and light to the point of losing much of the image in the pictures. They were so bad that most are not even reproducible. The other pictures taken aboard the ships, without using the device, had wavy flashes of colour shot through them, and were also distorted and all but useless as well... Most of these were also overexposed, evidently due to the properties of the light aboard the ships.


Another problem was also noted now that the pictures were back. The 49mm, slightly wider than normal angle spread of the lens on Meier's camera, was too wide to get close-up shots of the images in the special viewing screen, and was even worse with the smaller normal viewing screens, without getting the edges of the screen in the picture, and he had problems with the focus because his camera had no through the lens focusing, but the small window on the upper left side of the camera body, and everything always looked like it was in focus through this window. It was this lack of distance measurement and control that resulted in the pictures of Asket and Nera in the small room aboard the DAL ship being out of focus. Meier did not know his focus was off when he snapped the pictures.

照片回來後另一個問題又被注意到。Meier相機上的49毫米鏡頭比正常角度略寬,對於能在特殊的顯示屏上取得影像特寫來說太廣了,但在較小的普通顯示屏上更糟糕,照片甚至都沒有拍到屏幕的邊緣,他的對焦有問題,因為他的相機沒有通過鏡頭對焦,而是相機機身左上方的小視窗,透過這個視窗,一切看起來都是那麼的清晰。正是由於缺乏對距離的測量和控制,才導致了Asket 和Nera在DAL飛船上小房間裡的照片失去了焦距。Meier 在拍照的時候並不知道他失焦了。

星期五, 10月 04, 2019






星期六, 7月 20, 2019


老媽年紀大了但是還是很健康,她說日軍來大家都跑光,她必須自己找食物,當時很多女生都化妝成小男生,她找田裡的食物,被一個大人搶走,後來又被日軍抓去,搬東西搬不動就被打,很多人去田裡找食物,她想說不想去搶, 她爸給他一根銀針自己去找食物,她到山上只找到蘿剝吃,就每去找來吃,後來才知道那些其實是千年人蔘,所以健步如飛,也談到湘西趕屍,她真的見過,小時候都學殭屍跳這走。

星期六, 6月 29, 2019




 光的工作者的死亡。要終結人類的殺業,只有靠命去償還,這很殘酷,可見業力的可怕,和思想的力量大家都在幻象中, 思想的力量很大,當我們對物質的慾望過強,就會拚命的去搶奪,除非大家能終結幻象,,選擇愛超越恐懼



真理是不驕慢也不痛苦的  也不用於報仇
1. 以理性而言:發展和平非暴力改革的方式,去改革這個世界。真理永遠是越辯越明,真誠雙贏的意見交流得以讓人為的制度得到更完善的運作。
2. 以感性而言:消融內在的恐懼與仇恨,讓愛與慈悲同理心昇華在日常生活裡,達成相信人類的神性本質-無我利他,可以戰勝人性-自私自利。也讓良知與良心成為理性與制度的更高指導原則。
3. 不要成為組織化或制度化



人類的法律沒用了 ,一般人的聲音沒有了





另一方面 獨裁者的言論被大肆宣導
他所建立的和平宣言與法規  將被公眾接受
看看我所告訴你們的  用你們自己的判斷力



真理是不驕慢也不痛苦的  也不用於報仇

觀察他的言行  注意他的姿勢

仔細聽他制式化的教導  再看看他的夥伴
不用多說  他是這個世界的獨裁者

要小心啊! 在那樣的年代 貪婪將帶你走向死亡


誰以美為食  誰就會獲得圓滿

誰聆聽真正的教導  傾聽聖人的言語  學習老者所獲得知識

誰以真理為飲  就可獲得靈性的禮物
誰給予愛  且繼續以好的事物來領導

他的獎品就是開悟  而且永遠不會孤獨

然後當你擁有審判權力時  你更應該有寬宏的雅量

成為公平者  不要貪圖發展事業

學習原諒 忘掉仇恨  和平將會降臨予你

成為誠實的和平者  有價值的溫馴的人

時常更新你的靈性思維  你將會得到來自上天的賞賜


以上種種永不會缺席  只是暫時被隱藏



他的脈絡混亂  河床被撕裂....

克里昂的最新訊息中談到當前有六件事情在發展中, 將其略述如下: 

1. 你們腳底下的岩漿,地球的核心正在轉換提升。 融岩正在減緩而這造成了磁栅的改變。 你們正朝向磁場的翻轉, 但是不要害怕,在你們的這一生裡是不會碰到的, 但是這一定是會發生而且不會造成混亂, 不會像以往那樣會有幾百年徘徊在零能量。地球回應你們的意識, 磁栅的削減也是意味著面紗與你之間的距離減少。 這也就是說你們更容易與你們細胞的DNA,與你們的記憶, 與你們的水晶溝通。 你們正朝向2012的經歷前去。 有些預言者說看到地球上的大眾 死亡,事實是地球上的舊能量的死亡。 所以那些預言家看到就能量的死亡卻報導為大眾的死亡, 並不是那樣的。 

2. 下個月將會有一個很大的實驗發生, 瑞士有一個地球上最大的機器就是研究原子的加速器。 他們用質子與反質子來將他們加速到90%的光速。 他們在尋找的是在多重空間中的能量, 他們將會成功因為他們正注視著宇宙創造的能量。 在未來的十年他們將會發現並且重寫宇宙是如何開始的。

3.  在這個星球上有兩種能源存在而且是免費的。 首先你們是否想過為何月亮會在那邊?我們為何會有月亮? 遠古以來月亮給了你們大量的水的潮汐的運動,帶給你們推與拉的能量, 你們可以運用這能量來做為點亮你們城市的能源。 而這也可以提供你們電動車的能源而不會有汙染的問題。 你們只需要想辦法捕捉住這推與拉的能量就可以了。另外一個則有點困難但是也是很明顯的,那就是地熱。 你們花費了五年的時光建造核電廠只是為了用蒸氣來發電。 你們大可以往地下鑽洞就有天然的地熱可以用來發電, 你們有許多的火山可以多加利用。
4.  對於氣候我們有一些簡單的建議,要了解氣候是不會變好的, 你們若只是坐在那邊祈禱那是沒有用的。 我們曾經解釋過你們正處在水的循環正進入小的冰河時期, 也許看起來是奇怪的先變熱再變冷, 你們可以去審視你們的地質學紀錄,雖然紀錄只能追朔到西元1, 400年,但是你們卻曾經歷過小冰河時期且存活了下來, 你們應該想辦法去適應新的氣候。學著去預知它,建構不同的房子, 學習將房子建在安全的地方。 當它再回來的時候不要驚訝處在南方的你們再次經歷潰堤的情況。 將房子建在高地而將路面建於水平面下面。 人們應該要去主導影響它而不是被影響。 將天氣的大災難轉變為天氣的事件。不要害怕所發生的事,不要將今天所看到的投射成為期待明天的戲碼。暖化是天氣變冷的前兆就如同以前一樣, 你可以乾坐在那裏煩惱擔心,但你也可以想辦法準備它的到來。

5.  這個星球的思想能量已經大大的提升, 人類開始以不同的思維方式思考。它將如何反應於目前的事件中? 你們真的可以在地球上擁有和平, 但是你們會在過程中迴旋於經歷甚麼是你們想要的和不要的兩者之間 做取捨。2009年是2012年以前的最後一個具有11的能量之 年,它將是對你們具有重大意義的一年, 我要告訴你們的是注意那些這個星球上的年輕人, 他們將會在明年做出不同而且是你們無法預期的事。 最大的可能性之一就是推翻獨裁者,而以仁慈的領導者來取代。 它是對於關於一個政府的意識上的提升的開始, 以及一般的人民對於政府的期望。人們將會要求有個正直的領導者。 2009年時將會有一個國家有很大的提升, 會有很多年輕人因此而離開這個世界,但是這是他們此生的目的, 當他們完成他們的工作離去之後將會再回來做更偉大的事情。 所以當你們看到新聞時不要說這樣不好有如此多的人因此而死亡。 當事情發生時你們應該恭賀那些決定為此而死的人們, 他們是英雄因為他們提升了整個地球,你們知道嗎? 它真正的改變了地球的未來,整個地球都涉入其中, 你們能否適當的為他們慶祝?

6. 個人的可能性,你們的DNA正在改變。 對在未來的實現的能量的保證,除非是你要求否則是不會發生的。 假設隔壁的房間有豐盛的物資但是若你光坐在此房間的地板上想是沒 用的,你必須起身走到隔壁的房間才能得到你要的東西, 否則只光坐在那兒等就只會窮死與餓死。 除非你做一些事情否則甚麼事都不會發生。重寫DNA的能力, 改變你與生俱來的屬性的能力,超越你的細胞的思想層面的能力, 取得一直在那兒的主要的和部分的你的阿卡西記錄的能力。這是你們都是可以做得到的。你們不是一個在尋找上帝的人類, 你們是上帝的一部分。











更加巧合的是,瑪雅預言中提到「東方出現了新的曙光!」而且,印第安人聚會之地Guatemala 的通用中文譯名,竟然是「危地馬拉」。無巧不成書。的確,人類社會已經到了一個十分危險的境地,是懸崖勒韁的時候了。



星期六, 5月 11, 2019





全世界也無法相信一個集中營能殺掉100萬人,從數位監控到百萬人集中營——中國在新疆的「種族滅絕」/沃草國會無雙 https://musou.watchout.tw/read/waPPYTDJ0K3GaJhBA7Ap

被中國統一好不好?台灣人心聲:誰不想當大國人...但心理有病才會想當中國人 - 商業周刊 - 商周.com https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/article.aspx?id=20322&type=Blog

中國木馬亂台灣 | 民報 Taiwan People News https://www.peoplenews.tw/news/0b371cff-731a-4334-85c0-e082742819cd

人類的法律沒用了 ,一般人的聲音沒有了






另一方面 獨裁者的言論被大肆宣導

他所建立的和平宣言與法規  將被公眾接受


看看我所告訴你們的  用你們自己的判斷力









真理是不驕慢也不痛苦的  也不用於報仇

觀察他的言行  注意他的姿勢

仔細聽他制式化的教導  再看看他的夥伴



不用多說  他是這個世界的獨裁者

要小心啊! 在那樣的年代 貪婪將帶你走向死亡




誰以美為食  誰就會獲得圓滿

誰聆聽真正的教導  傾聽聖人的言語  學習老者所獲得知識

誰以真理為飲  就可獲得靈性的禮物

誰給予愛  且繼續以好的事物來領導

他的獎品就是開悟  而且永遠不會孤獨

然後當你擁有審判權力時  你更應該有寬宏的雅量

成為公平者  不要貪圖發展事業

學習原諒 忘掉仇恨  和平將會降臨予你

成為誠實的和平者  有價值的溫馴的人

時常更新你的靈性思維  你將會得到來自上天的賞賜


以上種種永不會缺席  只是暫時被隱藏



他的脈絡混亂  河床被撕裂........