Residents in Pretoria have reported a strange hovering craft in the sky that appeared to be “heart shaped”. The craft had three big lights and hovered motionless for two hours before flying off into the distance.
Several residents of Pretoria reportedly saw the strange craft and were convinced that it was no airplane.
Although the strange craft is said to have hovered for a two hour period, no photographs or video was taken. Pretoria has had several other reports of UFO activity in the past. A video shot by a policeman in 1996 is said to be of an UFO that several other witnesses reported seeing. A police helicopter was send in to investigate but could not catch up with the strange bright orb.
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Pretoria – An unidentified flying object (UFO), which apparently consisted of three bright lights, astounded residents from Booysens in Pretoria for two consecutive nights for several hours.
Engela van der Spuy, 67, who lived in Attie Street in Booysens, contacted Beeld after she watched the strange set of lights on Thursday night for the second consecutive night.
“I’m not saying it’s green little space men,” said Van der Spuy. “We just really want to know what it is.”
Van der Spuy for the first time saw the UFO on Wednesday night shortly after sunset in the western sky.
“I couldn’t make out the shape of the object because the three lights were too bright, but it almost had a heart shape because there were two lights on top, a blue light on the left and an emerald green light directly next to it, on the right side, with a big bright white light underneath it which shone straight down,” she said.
According to her, the UFO hung in the air for two hours without moving and then, at about 20:30, slowly started moving down, diagonally to the left and still down, disappearing behind the horizon.
On Thursday night, the UFO again appeared shortly after sunset and at 20:30 again started moving down before disappearing.
“I called all the neighbours and we looked at it together, but no one could figure out what it could be. All we knew, was that it definitely was not a star or a normal plane.”
Henrico Swart, 19, Van der Spuy’s neighbour, who looked at the UFO through binoculars, was dumbfounded.
“It has to have a very strange shape, because even through the binoculars I couldn’t make out the shape,” said Swart.
“All you could see, were three bright lights.”
On enquiry, spokespeople from the Hercules police station, the Johannesburg Planetarium and the South African Air Force had no knowledge of the incident and were unable to explain the phenomenon.
“I don’t think it is a flying saucer, because we would’ve been able to see the saucer shape. This is something even stranger,” said Van der Spuy.
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至善的意願之光 | ||||
脈輪:喉輪與心輪之間 | ||||
音階:E調升C之上 | ||||
相關行星:木星 | ||||
一. 目的與要素 | ||||
二. 特定功效 | ||||
三. 杰夫上師的訊息 | ||||
四. 課文內容摘要 | ||||
一、目的與要素 | ||||
紫色之光是耶穌誕生時第一次被帶到地球上來的。當聖者與天使在靠近地球的地方飛翔時,將這光的能量帶到地球層面來;它的發生,就像牧羊人和東方智者在耶穌誕生時所描述的見證那樣。 它意味著當基督意識降臨時,這美好的能量也被帶到地球來,聖靈的至善意願在這基督意識的重生中呈現在地球上。 這明亮的紫色之光,提升習修者身體上所有層面的頻率,使學生們能與較高層面中的自我意願產生和諧共振的頻率,因而調整、轉化病態的意願。 這個能量可以提升習修者內在的心識與外在的個性,它也幫助習修者激發出更強大的力量,並為他們思想中所觸及的人帶來同樣的力量。紫色之光使習修者的覺性進入光明之中。 當學生們進入這光的能量中時,要警覺自己內在所產生的矛盾現象,因為這紫色之光的能量,同時也會激發出來自內在自我中由於負面的自私、嫉妒、憎恨、惡念等情緒所產生的沉重混濁的能量。 當你的內在具有這樣的思想頻率時,紫色之光的能量便成為引發這些現象的催化劑。所以要以謹慎、愛與智慧運用這紫色之光。 紫色之光的能量是一種非常強而有力的頻率,它與呼吸系統有關。有時候,你會感到陷入某種情境中,一切事物似乎都在與你作對,使你感到窒息,這是因為恐懼與憤怒抑制了你的呼吸。然而,你的憤怒與感覺很可能是因為你的固執、自我中心,以及想用自己思想行為的準則來控制他人而產生的。 在《光的課程》中,這是非常有趣的一課。在高潮時,它帶給你一種樂天的感受,一切事物是順遂的、和諧的,使你置身於一種莫大的至善意願之中。 紫色之光的能量與木星有關,它不但釋放習修者所有層面的沉重感,使之昇華,並帶來正面的祥和、輕鬆與幽默。 | ||||